Proposal to add LINK as Collateral

Proposal to add LINK

Proposal to add LINK as a capped collateral to Interest Protocol.


LINK is an ERC20 token issued in 2017 for the purpose of paying oracle node operators. Today its main use is as collateral and a speculative asset in DeFi.


Token Address: 0x514910771AF9Ca656af840dff83E8264EcF986CA
Capped Token address: TBD
LTV: 75%
Liquidation incentive: 7.5%
Cap: 375,000 (~$3,000,000)
Primary Oracle Address: Chainlink
Secondary Oracle Address: Uniswap v3
Price deviation: 20%


Market Cap: $4,131,119,368
Liquidity: $13,000,000 (Uniswap V3 LINK-ETH)
Coingecko 7-day avg 24hr volume: $361,000,000
Notable exchanges: Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, Gemini, OKEx, Uniswap

Technical risks

Type of contract: ERC20
Underlying asset: N/A
Time: Deployed September 16, 2017
Value: Utility token for the Chainlink Network
Privileges: None
Upgradability: None
Supplemental Information: N/A

Relevant References

Maker Technical Risk Assessment from July 2020