PGov Delegate Platform

Delegate Name: PGov
Delegate Address: 0x3fb19771947072629c8eee7995a2ef23b72d4c8a
Forum Handle: PGov
Discord Server Handle: PGov - Juan

Core Principals:

  • Transparency: Clear communication with votes and explanations of reasoning
  • Growth: We see great potential for Interest Protocol and look forward to helping the protocol grow as much as possible
  • Real-World Use Cases: We see great use cases in the future for USDi and look forward to seeing where the RWA uses cases will go

Delegate Statement:

We’re a team of dedicated governance enthusiasts who have been in the crypto governance space for almost two years now! Interest Protocol is one of the most unique lending models we’ve seen and believe it will take off in the next defi bull run!

Our primary goal is to use the knowledge we have learned in the past few years to help grow IP and its community. We look forward to helping onboard more and more assets types onto the platform and offer more and more options for the fellow “defi degen.”

We’ve been keeping track of IP since day one and are excited to be here for the ride!

Conflicts of Interest & Resolution:

  • Abstain from the vote if situation rises in conflict of interest, and clearly state on forums the conflict.

CC: @feems for visibility

Welcome, and I also recommend you familiarize yourself with the Recognized Delegate Program if you’d like to be eligible for delegate rewards

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As been said, please review the eligibility and compensation criteria for the program here: Proposal:IP Recognized Delegates Program
Also please indicate all activity (voting, meeting attendance) on your delegate page :slight_smile:

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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Temperature Check on IPT Rewards

Voted YES: We believe having a 4 week pause on weeks 46-49 of IPT rewards is a great test to see the effects on the protocol. After week 50, happy to re-evaluate and see if they should be re-activated or changed for the future.

Attended Community Call on 5/15

Thanks @feems


April Delegate Program Administration Expenses

Voted YES: Thanks again to @feems for her work, voting yes for this operational expense.

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Attended Community Call on 5/30

Thanks @feems

Proposal to Pause IPT Rewards 2.0 (June 2023)

Voted YES: In similar reasoning to our prior vote yes, we think continuing this pause is most appropriate for the time being. Thankful to the team for helping us propose this vote!

May Delegate Program Administration Expenses

Voted YES: Thanks again to @feems for her work.

Proposal to add Balancer BPTs as collateral on IP

Voted YES: We think adding these Balancer BPTs as collateral on IP will increase both liquidity and strengthen a possible relationship with balancer that could be very useful in the future.

Attended Community Call on 6/22

Thanks @feems

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Attended Community Call on 7/6

Thanks @feems

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June Delegate Program Administration Expenses

Voted YES: Thanks again to @feems for her work as per usual.

Proposal to add MKR

Voted YES: We believe MKR users are actively looking for new ways to get involved with other protocols and this would present an alluring option to them. Given all of the price appreciation recently and buzz around them, it makes sense to capitalize now.

Attended Community Call on 7/27

Thanks @feems and as communicated will update discord name in the future!

Proposal to list SNX on the Optimism Deployment of Interest Protocol

Voted YES: We are excited to see the Optimism deployment live and think that SNX is a perfect fit for this. Unfortunately, we are having issues with the front end and so we submitted out vote directly to the governor contract here. @feems, Please let us know if we’ve made an error.

@feems, can you please add to the first intro section “Discord Server Handle: PGov - Juan”

I got you covered. Done.

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Attended Community Call on 8/15

Thanks @feems and as communicated will update discord name in the future!

July Delegate Program Administration Expenses

Voted YES: Thanks again to @feems for her work as per usual.

Proposal to add RPL; Housekeeping

Voted YES: As Rocket Pool gains traction and also more adoption it makes sense to add it in limited capacity here. Also voting yes to the housekeeping regarding MKR cap.

Attended Community Call on 9/12

Thanks @feems

August Delegate Program Administration Expenses

Voted YES: Thanks again to @feems for her work as per usual.

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