Eligibility Amendment: Recognized Delegate Program Compensation

In speaking with some active delegates, there has been an appetite for amending the eligibility requirements for the monthly rewards compensation to allow participation/attendance credit if delegates miss an on-chain vote or, due to unforeseen circumstances, are unable to attend the community call. For example, if they have met the requirements consistently for three months, they could earn a credit in the event they miss a vote or a community call due to vacation, illness, or other unavoidable circumstances.

These are the current requirements. I wanted to open the discussion for delegates to consider what would be a reasonable amendment.

Current Compensation Eligibility

  • Communicate on the IP forum how and why a delegate voted the way they did within seven days of the close of a vote (minimum 90% of the time) in their dedicated delegate thread.
  • Command voting weight greater than or equal to 1 basis point of the total IPT supply;
  • Participate in at least 90% of all on-chain IP votes within the previous 30 days
  • The Recognized Delegate (or one authorized representative if a team or institution) must attend at least one public protocol development call each month.

Since I was the one that missed delegate compensation last month - valid reason based on above: because I didn’t attend one of two dev calls I felt perhaps governance might consider some adjustments to above compensation eligibility

Being a former Maker Delegate I always felt that people who were consistent community participants (particularly delegates, particularly long time members (like over 12 months), particularly if they have performed above and beyond for the community (in Maker’s case I myself handled one of the hardest issues in Maker history - Black Thursday) and especially in my case for interest protocol as someone who got IPT listed on Velodrome and using basically my personal IPT to incentivize the IPT:USDC pool emissions for the past you don’t want to potentially sour their participation by cutting off a strongly committed delegates incentives/compensation.

So I want to thank @feems for posting this topic and I would love to hear from others on suggested changes so we can

  • recognize above and beyond delegate efforts (particularly if uncompensated)
  • long time participation
  • how to put this into delegate records when making the binary choice of whether to compensate or now (maybe compensation shouldn’t be a binary choice).

One of the things that is concerning about attendance based choice on compensation is that it doesn’t take into account personal matters that happen to all of us. Illness, family emergency, circumstance…

So what I suggest is that we perhaps alter some of the criterion to be a bit more flexible at least in two catagories and add a new catagory that potentially give people free passes they can use on any particular month of compensation.

to become
Participate in at least 90% of all on-chain IP votes within the previous 30 days, or have participated in 90% of the on-chain IP votes in the past 180 days.


The Recognized Delegate (or one authorized representative if a team or institution) must attend at least one public protocol development call each month, and for each 6 months of attendance each delegate gets 1 month pass never to have more than 2 months worth of longevity compensation passes accumulated.

I might also suggest a new compensation clause

  • If any delegate is or has been conducting business for the protocol or is or has done ‘above and beyond’ work any time in the past year that they will get 1 free month pass they can exercise at ‘any time’ to get their compensation.

Regarding the above clause I want to add two subsections:
i. Any delegate that feels they qualify for above and beyond work can submit a post at any time. Describing that work, why they feel they should qualify for a ‘above and beyond pass’ - allow the community to discuss for at least 1 month.
ii. ultimately vote on whether that delegate should get an ‘above and beyond pass’.

  • Final suggestion. Longevity and Above and Beyond passes can be used retroactively to restore compensation without a governance vote by simply notifying the governance co-ordinator of the month the pass would be applied. Above and Beyond passes never expire, Longevity passes also don’t expire but never can be greater than 2.

One thing I want to add is a kind of communication/potential delegate exclusion/removal clause.

  • If any delegate is MIA (not just missing eligibility terms) for 3 months (on communication/voting/calls etc.) that such a delegate could be brought up for a removal vote by any other delegate (after posting in forums desire to remove a delegate), which due to extenuating circumstances can be reversed for up to a year later should they return to the community and make a formal explanation of their absence. They will still lose some compensation months probably, and can exercise any and all month passes (up to 2) and their N month ‘above and beyond’ work passes.


So what your suggesting @IPTMan is that it would look something like this? Just so it’s easier to read formated it.

Compensation Eligibility

  • Communicate on the IP forum how and why a delegate voted the way they did within seven days of the close of a vote (minimum 90% of the time) in their dedicated delegate thread.
  • Command voting weight greater than or equal to 1 basis point of the total IPT supply;
  • Participate in at least 90% of all on-chain IP votes within the previous 30 days, or have participated in 90% of the on-chain IP votes in the past 180 days.
  • The Recognized Delegate (or one authorized representative if a team or institution) must attend at least one public protocol development call each month, and for each 6 months of attendance each delegate gets 1 month pass never to have more than 2 months worth of longevity compensation passes accumulated.

Compensation Clause

  • If any delegate is or has been conducting business for the protocol or is or has done ‘above and beyond’ work any time in the past year that they will get 1 free month pass they can exercise at ‘any time’ to get their compensation.

i. Any delegate that feels they qualify for above and beyond work can submit a post at any time. Describing that work, why they feel they should qualify for a ‘above and beyond pass’ - allow the community to discuss for at least 1 month.
ii. ultimately vote on whether that delegate should get an ‘above and beyond pass’.
Longevity and Above and Beyond passes can be used retroactively to restore compensation without a governance vote by simply notifying the governance co-ordinator of the month the pass would be applied. Above and Beyond passes never expire, Longevity passes also don’t expire but never can be greater than 2.


  • If any delegate is MIA (not just missing eligibility terms) for 3 months (on communication/voting/calls etc.) that such a delegate could be brought up for a removal vote by any other delegate (after posting in forums desire to remove a delegate), which due to extenuating circumstances can be reversed for up to a year later should they return to the community and make a formal explanation of their absence. They will still lose some compensation months probably, and can exercise any and all month passes (up to 2) and their N month ‘above and beyond’ work passes.

We are if favor of these changes. Taking a step back, it doesn’t make sense for someone like @IPTMan to lose out because they simply missed one or two small things in a month. If this helps remedy that, we are in favor.


I need to read carefully, but yeah basically looks right.

I might make the following:

into a iii. and change title to Note(s) otherwise on a quick read looks right.

Do we want to add a formal statement that delegates in their delegate threads need to include whether they attended CCs which you then check off by liking the post. Also do we need evidence like an image of us in the CC. Or do we want to just have the governance facilitator handle CC attendance and leave delegates posting this in their delegate threads as optional?

- Do we want to add a formal statement that delegates in their delegate threads need to include whether they attended CCs which you then check off by liking the post?

F: Most have been posting attendence but yeah we can formalize that practice in requiring to indicate attendence in CC. And I can then like that post to confirm.

Also do we need evidence like an image of us in the CC. Or do we want to just have the governance facilitator handle CC attendance and leave delegates posting this in their delegate threads as optional?
F: Thats already within the role of governance facilitator ( I also take screenshots of the calls)- delegates can just post they attended as they always do.

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Proposal: Delegate Compensation Eligibility and Offboarding Guidelines

Compensation Eligibility

  1. Communicate on the IP forum how and why a delegate voted the way they did within seven days of the close of a vote (minimum 90% of the time) in their dedicated delegate thread.
  2. Command voting weight greater than or equal to 1 basis point of the total IPT supply.
  3. Participate in at least 90% of all on-chain IP votes within the previous 30 days, or have participated in 90% of the on-chain IP votes in the past 180 days.
  4. The Recognized Delegate (or one authorized representative if a team or institution) must attend at least one public protocol development call each month, and for each 6 months of attendance each delegate gets 1 month pass never to have more than 2 months worth of longevity compensation passes accumulated.
  5. Delegates must include in their delegate threads whether they attended community calls (CCs). The governance facilitator will check off attendance by liking the post.

Compensation Clause

  1. If any delegate is or has been conducting business for the protocol or is or has done ‘above and beyond’ work any time in the past year, they will get 1 free month pass they can exercise at any time to get their compensation.


i. Longevity and Above and Beyond passes can be used retroactively to restore compensation without a governance vote by simply notifying the governance coordinator of the month the pass would be applied. Above and Beyond passes never expire. Longevity passes also don’t expire but never can be greater than 2.


  1. If any delegate is MIA (not just missing eligibility terms) for 3 months (on communication/voting/calls, etc.), any other delegate can propose their removal after posting in forums their desire to remove a delegate.

  2. The removal due to extenuating circumstances can be reversed for up to a year later should the delegate return to the community and make a formal explanation of their absence. They will still lose some compensation months but can exercise any and all month passes (up to 2) and their N month ‘above and beyond’ work passes.


this proposal has passed and will take into effect starting the current cycle from aug 6

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