OP Collateral List: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
With gas at 100+ gwei and bedrock upgrade hopefully ~1 month away, I created a collateral list via Notion for when IP is ready for deployment onto Optimism.
If there’s interest, I can create one for Arbitrum too and maybe even import everything to Google Sheets + Web3 sheet so the data is always up to date. But in the meantime, let me know if there’s any collateral I missed or if there’s additional data fields to add. The list is ordered by market cap of the outstanding token value on Optimism.
The data columns are:
- Token Name
- Token Contract Address
- Native Y/N? (whether the token is native to Optimism)
- LP Y/N? (whether the token is a LP token)
- Collateral Y/N? (whether the token should be included in the initial IP deployment
- Holders (number of holders on Optimism)
- MC OP (Marketcap of outstanding tokens issued on Optimism)
- FDV (FDV of value on all chains)
- V3 Liquidity (liqudity link to V3 OP)
- Notable Exchange
- Lending (lending protocols where the collateral is a supply-side asset)
- Protocol - Supply (supply value of token by protocol + supply APY)
- Comments
There are 4 tabs at the top:
Master List contains the entire list of collateral
First Deployment contains the list of collateral where the column “Collateral Y/N” is YES. This is the list of collateral I think should be added to the initial IP deployment to Optimism
Regular Collat contains the list of collateral where the “LP Y/N” is NO. This is the list of vanilla collateral (ETH, LSD, Gov tokens etc)
Regular Collat contains the list of collateral where the “LP Y/N” is Yes. This is the list of LP collateral
My Thoughts:
OP, WETH, wstETH, WBTC are the four collateral that should be included in the initial IP deployment.
Additional consideration can be made for:
- SNX - should be an easy add and has good liqudity on Optimism. Though, not sure if there will be any real demand to borrow against
- rETH - Good liquidity on Optimism and not available to be borrowed against anywhere. Though, I wasn’t able to find a Chainlink oracle
- stETH - Not available on Optimism yet but maybe will change with the Bedrock upgrade fix
More exotic collateral we can keep an eye on are $VELO and $Kwenta but those are still really small markets compared to ETH.
In terms of LP tokens, Beethoven is a fork of Balancer, so Beethoven WETH/rETH and Beethoven wstETH/ETH can be good options. And obviously V3 whenever that is ready.
Feel free to leave any suggestions or comments, so we can get the discussion on L2 deployments rolling!